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Horse memes

I started creating horse memes – well, not all the thoughts, quotes and jokes are mine, these are around the internet, but I give them a unique look, some graphic design.

I’m listing them on this page, but also sharing these horse memes on my social media: Hanna and Roy on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram.

Feel free to share these horse memes wherever you like .

(Note: please don’t share these as your own, there is my site URL on the images.)

Horse memes, motivational quote, inspirational quote with horse, cowboy image
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start now and change the ending.
Horse memes, horse love, horse and little girl
There is no greater privilge than being able to love a horse. An no greater honor than being loved by one.
Horse memes, funny horse meme, horse tail in eyeball
Getting your heart broken is the worst feeling. OK, but have you ever been whipped in the eyeball of a horse tail?


“The term meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme, which comes from Ancient Greek mīmēma, meaning “imitated thing”.

The word was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena.

In 2013, Dawkins characterized an Internet meme as one deliberately altered by human creativity, distinguished from his original idea involving mutation “by random change and a form of Darwinian selection”.

Internet memes are an example of Dawkins’ meme theory at work, in the sense of how they so rapidly mirror current cultural events and become a part of how the time period is defined.”

Wow, I didn’t know this! Thank you, Wikipedia!

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