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Hi, I’m Mercedes, the designer of horse related gifts, decor, apparel and more, you find on this site. I borrowed the name of Hanna and Roy from our 2 horses.
I’m a graphic designer, nature conservation engineer and the mom of 3 horses (the 3rd one – Smarty – is a new addition to the family, that’s why her name is not included), a cat (Amy), and 2 stray cats (they decided to live here…).
I’ve never met a horse in person until 3 years ago (2020) and I can’t not think about them ever since. They fascinate me, inspire me and make me want to learn everything about them.
I want to understand them, have fun with them, learn from them and with them, I want to know what they think, what they say to me, what they ask from me and I want them to feel safe and appreciated.
Meet my beautiful animals below…
Bay appendix horse


Roy is a 6 year old bay appendix (3/4 quarter horse, 1/4 thoroughbred). He has the coolest personality ever, very friendly, curious, a tiny bit cheeky and has the looks of a movie star. I don’t know if you can tell by this pic, but he is gorgeous! He’s also smart and talented, but because of the thoroughbred blood in him, he’s not as chill as a pure quarter horse.


Hanna is a 5,5 year old red roan quarter horse, great granddaughter of the famous cutting champion Peptoboonsmal (who – I just found out – has his own horse toy model, I link it below). She’s a nice, smart, good minded horse, a sophisticated princess and the love of my husband.

Breyer Horses Traditional Series Peptoboonsmal | Champion Cutting Horse | Horse Toy Model

Red roan quarter horse
Chestnut quarter horse


Smarty is my horse for about a month now. She’s a 12 year old quarter horse, a chestnut mare who isn’t like the stereotypical chestnut mare at all. She’s the chillest mare ever, an incredibly calm girl who is also a talented and trained reining horse. She’d the granddaughter of Smart Little Lena, who was inducted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2015.


It would be rude not to mention my beautiful siamese cat, Amy. She’s 12 year old and very sweet, but only with me…. She absolutely hates everyone else… human and animal.

Siamese cat

Siamese cat

The Designs

I think and talk and read and learn about horses a lot and my love for them is obvious looking at my designs, but I also create non-horse related graphics which you can see throughout this site.

I’m a newbie horse(wo)man, learning the wonderful mind of horses, trying to understand them the best I can and be their trusted friend.

I will share content on this site other than just my designs and products and I have to include here that as an Amazon and other brand associate, I earn from qualifying purchases if I share a product from Amazon or other brands (with no additional cost for you, of course).

Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy my work and content! Have a beautiful day!

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